What is Hygge? - The Latest Interior Design Trend

As sliding wardrobe manufacturers, it’s important that we keep on top of all the interior design trends. This is especially important for smaller home renovations where, more often than not, sliding wardrobe doors are an important focal point in a room. One such trend at the moment is introducing hygge design into the home. In this article we’re going to look at what hygge interior design is, how best to practise it and what not to do. 

What is Hygge? 

Hygge is a Danish word that is roughly translated to “enjoying life's simple pleasures”. The word hygge is pronounced “hoo ga”. 

While it’s origin stems from Danish culture to represent a state of mind, the word can also be used to describe a particular style of home decor. Embracing hygge is to surround yourself with calm and peace. This way of living can be seen in almost all scandianvian design. 

Use Mirrors in Hygge decor to create more space

Less Clutter - Less Stress

A key principle to hygge is that less clutter equals less stress. Mess causes stress, which is the opposite of the hygge experience. By removing clutter and mess you create a peaceful and serene living space. 

You should instantly feel calm as soon as you step into a hygge home. By incorporating sliding wardrobe doors into the room, you can clear out and tidy away some of that mess and clutter without affecting the hygge decor. 

Use a Neutral Colour Palette 

Try to avoid using bright and garish colours as these can become overwhelming in any living space. By sticking to a neutral colour palette you create a calming environment that you and your guests can relax in. Stick to light greys, browns and calming pastel colours to incorporate hygge into your living space. 

Use Mirrors to Create More Space 

If your living area is particularly small, you can use mirrors to give the effect of more space. More space in a room will make it feel less cluttered and less claustrophobic. This will help reduce stress and create a calm and peaceful atmosphere. Check out some other benefits of mirrors.

Make your Space Comfortable

Big throws, cushions, faux fur and comfortable furniture will help create a cosy environment. Being cosy and comfortable will help alleviate stress and make you more relaxed. Removing TVs and loud distractions is a good way to practice hygge, instead settle down with a good book. 

Make a Fire 

A big part of the Danish culture is huddling around a fire to keep warm and create a cosy atmosphere in which to talk. You can bring some of this culture into your home by making a traditional fireplace. If your home doesn’t have an existing fireplace, this transformation can be expensive. An alternative is to use candles, while it won’t give off heat the same, the flickering of the light will help create a calming atmosphere. 

How Our Sliding Doors Practice Hygge

All of our sliding doors are made to measure and can be customised to fit in with hygge decor. Of course, hygge is about having a clutter free lifestyle, and our fitted wardrobe doors can help you keep mess and clutter at bay. Use a mirror sliding door effect to create the illusion of more space or chose from a wide range of colours and finishes to create a natural colour palette. 

Browse our full range of sliding wardrobe doors. 

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