Why Mirrored Wardrobe Doors are Popular

Every month we create hundreds of sets of sliding wardrobe doors. Sliding doors can be used in different applications, from Attic Conversion Storage to Narrowboat Storage and even on TV! By far, the most popular finish that we get requests for is for mirrored doors. 

Mirrored Wardrobe Doors make your Space Feel Bigger

Fitted wardrobes are a great way to save space and create intuitive storage solutions. When space is a commodity, it’s important to make your living space seem as spacious and as comfortable as possible. Mirrors can help trick the mind into thinking the space appears bigger than it actually is. By angling mirrors at a specific focus point it will give an illusion of depth to your room. 

All of our doors come with a wide range of tracks, fittings and finishes. These finishes can be matched to your existing decor in order to create continuity throughout. This continuity can trick the mind into thinking the room is bigger than it actually is. This is especially true if the mirrors are next to windows or have the same finishes as the windows. 

Mirrored Doors Bring in Natural Light

Natural light is actually good for you! It boosts vitamin D, reduces seasonal depression and even helps you get better sleep. More natural light means less artificial light usage which saves money and helps the environment. Mirrors help massively with reflecting natural light around rooms. 

It’s no surprise that interior designers are opting for full length mirrored wardrobe doors. It helps the room feel more relaxed and promotes more natural lights in the room. Using a series of mirrored wardrobes can help even more with natural light bouncing around several times. 

Mirror Sliding Doors in Interior Design

Durham Mirrored Doors

Mirrors are an important part of almost all interior design disciplines and are often seen as a source of “good energy”. In Feng Shui, mirrors represent water and are very important when organising a rooms furniture. With that in mind, utilising our sliding doors helps create new storage spaces while appeasing the interior design. 

Different Types of Mirrored Sliding Doors

At DoorsDirect we have a wide range of sliding doors available in a variety of different finishes. 

The Ripon Range is our budget sliding wardrobe doors. It features single panels that are finishes with mirrored glass. 

The Durham Range is part of our Contract Steel Plus range and features full length made-to-measure panels. Each panel can be customised with a different finish including different mirrored glass styles. 

Beijing Range of Mirrored Glass

Our York Range features framing throughout the panel which creates a modern, window-style look. Using this range of sliding doors with a mirrored finish would trick the eye into making the room look larger.

The Monaco Range is part of our premium set of sliding doors and features full length panels. Each panel can be customised to suit our wide range of finishes. This is especially popular because it allows you to match it to your existing decor. 

Our New York Range features a top and bottom panel with a small 300mm accent panel. Customising the top and bottom panels with coloured glass and using a mirrored centre panel allows you to match your current decor and still integrate mirrors into the design.

The Beijing Range features several panels per door, each one can be customised with its own finish. Create a unique pattern with these panels to match your existing decor. This is the ideal range if you need a smaller section of the wardrobes to be finished in a mirror style. 

Different Types of Mirrored Glass

With all our sliding doors, we offer a wide range of styles and finishes, tracks, frames and profiles. Mirrored glass will always be a popular choice for our customers, but we also offer a range of different mirror types. 

Clear Mirror - is our most popular mirror finish. We only use high quality mirror glass to allow us much light reflection as possible. 

Grey Mirror - Our grey mirror wardrobes offer less reflection, which is ideal for smaller rooms. The grey mirror offers a classy tint on a traditional mirror finish.

Bronze Mirror - The bronze mirror offers less reflection than the clean mirror. The tint on the mirror subtly changes the hue of the natural light that reflects off it. This is finish is popular with interior designers that want to match their decor. 

mirror sliding doorsmirror sliding doorsmirror sliding doors mirror sliding doors

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